Learn To Have An Eco-Friendly Carnival!
Updated April 12, 2023
Wait a minute... isn't "going green" one of those new fads? You may ask yourself, "Why should I care about being environmentally friendly?" Especially when you are uber-busy planning this year's best carnival.
Well, we have a little secret for you: when you use these 4 tips and 1 Bonus tip to help save the environment, you are also saving YOUR time and money.
Plus, smart consumers and businesses know that being eco-aware makes our Earth a little healthier for our future generations (such as kids and grandkids!)
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New Theme? Don't Change All Your Games - Do This Instead...
As you probably already know, many carnivals choose a unique theme every year. Yours may have also chosen a unique theme every year in the past! However, having a new theme does NOT mean you must have all new, shiny games and prizes for your carnival.
It is extremely easy to repurpose your games for the new carnival theme! All this requires is using your creative side a bit to put a spin on old carnival games.
For example, if you have a Candyland theme, you could choose to change up many of your games to reflect that theme. For example, you could repaint your bean bag toss from last year's theme to look like a stacked ice cream cone for the Candyland theme.
Or for a Safari theme, you could repaint some older signs and have volunteers dress like safari guides and simply add animal-print or safari decor here and there to complete your themed carnival!
Choose Some Reusable Carnival Supplies
For example, when decorating for your event - forget the balloons!
Our absolute favorite inexpensive AND reusable supplies are... plastic pennant banners!
Here's why: pennant banners look fabulous in all types of weather, even if it's a bit windy or rainy outside!
Pennant banners can be easily stored and reused for years, unlike one-use balloons.
If that's not enough, buying pennant banners will even save you money: no more running to the dollar store for pricey, last-minute helium balloons!
Plus, pennant banners decorate a huge area at once due to their length! Click here to see more information about our top selling pennant banners!
Have Recycle Bins Available
Here's another super easy addition to your green carnival: add recycling bins!
You can ask local community centers or other non-profits to borrow a few extra recycling bins for your event - most will be happy to lend a hand.
Once you have recycling bins, place them next to all of the trash cans.
Make sure they are easily identifiable with an obvious sign or label on the recycling bin itself. Include a poster of what can and cannot be recycled at eye level above the recycling bins. (Unfortunately, recyclables get thrown away if there is not an easy and convenient way to recycle on the spot!)
Choose Some Prizes that will be Enjoyed After They Leave Your Event
School supplies such as cute pencils, pens, and erasers that can go in a pencil case and be used at school long after your carnival is over.
Also, card games, mini activity pads, or other small toys are great for entertaining in a car or office without electronics.
One more prize that kids use time and time again is outdoor exercise equipment such as jump ropes, hula hoops, and bouncing spike balls (as shown in the image above). They are great fun and will be enjoyed months down the road.
BONUS: Think About Adding a Green Thumb Booth to Your Festival!
Several years ago we visited a school carnival that had a booth supported by a local pediatric dentist that allowed the children to pick a flowering plant and repot it to take it home. The kids loved the booth - it was perfect for a springtime carnival, and it was something that was earth-friendly, too!
See all the details about the Dig Into Gardening Booth. Perfect for Earth Day or spring carnivals!
Thank you for reading the Carnival Savers blog. We hope you can put most of these suggestions to use for your next carnival! We love adding some family fun while keeping our world a little bit more green at the same time!
Wishing you all the best when getting together for your next big event!