How to Avoid Shutting Down Your Cake Walk Booth

What is the biggest challenge for the Cake Walk Booth? Easy - it's getting enough cakes for the winners at one of the most popular booths at your event. Click to see our easy solution!

Cupcake sets for Cake Walk Booth

Add These Super Fun Cupcake Sets to Your Booth!

Easy Cupcake Sets help to make your cakewalk booth stay open!

                                                                                                                              Updated 2-1-2025

When planning a carnival, sometimes it is hard to know precisely how many folks will show up and how many items you need for each booth. The cakewalk booth is no exception! Most schools and churches ask volunteers to donate baked goods for this popular booth. 

When we visit carnivals, the  Cake Walk Carnival Booth shuts down most frequently because they run out of goodies to give away. 

If you are running low on treats, you can make your cupcakes go much further with a few simple supplies!

A Few Additional Supplies You May Want...

Carnival Themed Red White Striped Plastic Tablecloth Roll (100 ft long)

Carnival Themed Red White Striped Plastic Tablecloth Roll (100 ft long)

21.50 USD

29.99 USD

Multi-Colored Pennant (100 feet long!)

Multi-Colored Pennant (100 feet long!)

9.50 USD

10.50 USD

Carnival Popcorn Cups (24 total popcorn cups in 2 bags) 52¢ each

Carnival Popcorn Cups (24 total popcorn cups in 2 bags) 52¢ each

12.50 USD

14.38 USD

1. Cupcakes & Food Safe Gloves

Many times, donations of cupcakes come in for your cake walk. So, have the supplies below so volunteers can make those donations go further, and this can prevent you from needing to close your Cake Walk Booth before the end of your carnival.

2. Clear Cups & Spoons

You can easily find these simple supplies at your local grocery store; the cost is very reasonable, and these supplies are easy to find!

3. Cello Bags & Curling Ribbon

You can easily find cello bags at your local grocery store or ones with decorations at craft stores. 

Note: If you are worried that the cupcake sets will not be as exciting for kids to win, you would be surprised! Because these sets look like a wrapped package and include a spoon for on-the-go treats, the kids are almost as excited about winning these cupcake sets as a whole box of cupcakes.

Cupcakes and other treats at a school carnival cakewalk.

4. Purchase 24 - 48 (or More) Cupcakes as a Backup 

 Purchase more cupcakes on hand, along with the supplies above, to ensure you have something fun for the players to win! Place these cupcakes to the side (maybe under a table) so that if you start to see your cakes are low you will have cupcakes ready to put together in sets.

Also, volunteers can be requested to include cupcakes as one of the options for the cake walk booth.

Add these sets to save money on this traditional carnival game!

Children playing the cake walk game outdoors at a school carnival.

Do You Remember How to Play the Cake Walk Game?

No worries. Click to refresh your memory and see all the details about the Cakewalk Game, which shows a genius tip for drawing the winner's number when the music stops! 

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