Carnival Planning Blog

When hosting a carnival or festival fundraiser, one of the worst things that can happen is running out of prizes! Use our calculator and these free hints & tips to make sure you have enough prizes for winners.
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If you are planning a carnival, the fish bowl game is a super fun addition! Check out our suggestions on how to set up this game to be "fish-friendly!"
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Carnival planners should know to include a little marketing and FUN at their fundraising event! Don't display the prizes like they are last year's leftovers - we've seen several organizations make this mistake. Theme the booths, spin a story and give each booth its own uniq...
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Believe it or not, weather is a huge part of carnival success - but not for the reasons you think. To make volunteers return you need to ensure their comfort, and to make your event goers return you must ensure they have enough fun and prizes!
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