Temporary Tattoo Assortment (504 Total Tattoos) 4¢ each (no seasonal tattoos)

$19.95 $36.75 -46% Compared to Other Sellers

Temporary Tattoo Assortment (504 Total Tattoos) 4¢ each (no seasonal tattoos)

$19.95 $36.75 -46% Compared to Other Sellers

Fast US Shipping - Delivers 4 - 9.


Temporary Tattoo Assortment - We will send a selection of temporary tattoos:

  • A fun assortment of kiddie tattoos
  • 7 designs with 72 tattoos each
  • A total of 504 everyday tattoos
  • A variety of options for carnival face painting booth
  • This kids' item is safe and non-toxic!

Application Instructions: Remove the wrapping and gently press the tattoo onto the skin with a damp paper towel for 30 to 45 seconds.

Removal Instructions: Use household tape to remove the tattoo; it will stick to the tape instead of the skin.

Note: If there is a temporary tattoo set you would not like us to include with your order - please include that wish in the white box to your right (above the "add to cart" button.)

Not Recommended for Children Under the Age of 3 Years.

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