COVID Safe Activity: Snail on the Trail
SNAIL ON THE TRAIL - SETUP & DIRECTIONSSupplies for Snail on the Trail COVID Safe Activity:
If indoors - We suggest that you bring in fake plants or other greenery (borrowed from volunteers or bought at a garage sale/resale shop) to add in the hallways to give your animals some great hiding places! SAFETY FIRST - We suggest at least 25 feet in between each "Snail Stop". This will to ensure families and "friend bubbles" have plenty of room and they do not "spill the beans" regarding the hiding places of the animals. Prepare for This COVID-Safe Game:Before your event, walk your track, trail, sidewalk or inside hallways and determine how many "Snail Stops" you will have. After you have your location and date figured out, your next step is to gather all supplies needed for your game. You will also want to print out and display the rules - to make sure everyone knows not to touch the animals! Click here to download ours for free. Tips for Safely Inviting Guests:Our suggestion is to have a "come-and-go" or "open house" type event to prevent families from waiting in long line. One of the best ways to organize this is to use a FREE online calendar - we recommend which will easily allow you to schedule 2 - 3 families at each 15 minute time slot! Also, you may link to our Snail on the Trail Game Sheet Checklist for everyone to download from their computers, or you can make your own and pass out as families arrive. Activity Setup:DAYS BEFORE YOUR EVENT: ON THE DAY OF YOUR EVENT: Optional: Give the kids a little something when they finish the game! It could be animal-themed washable tattoo, (More than 200 are included as a FREE GIFT in our Snail on the Trail™ Game Set below), a plastic magnifying glass with a toy lizard, or a small treat bag with bug themed items! How to Play the Snail on the Trail™Game:Families and friend bubbles (about 2 - 8 in size) meet up at the starting location of the game with Snail on the Trail™ Game Sheet and a pencil. They begin to walk on the pathway to find their first Snail Stop. Once they locate their first Snail Stop, they try to find all the pre-hidden animals hidden within about 20 feet of the snail. The game continues until they reach the last Snail Stop with a finish flag to signify the end. Additional Hints & Tips:Worried about stuffed animals in the rain? Don't be - here is why... The animals are simply for the game - not to give to kids. |
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Carnival Savers | 12400 W Highway 71 | Suite 350-385 | Bee Cave, TX | 78738 | Questions? Call Us Toll Free - 800 507-2985