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Fishing For Apples

Fall Festival Games for Adults - Fishing for Apples

 Fall Festival Game for Adults - Fishing for Apples

YES - Kids can play this game too!



See Carmel Apple Table Idea for Winners Below!


Short Carnival Savers video/gif shows 3 Barrels filled with apples for this Fall themed game


Supplies for Fishing for Apples:

bullet point 1 -3 Large Whiskey type Barrel, or Large Galvanized Buckets
     (Our top recommendations on Amazon linked above #EarnsCommisions)
bullet point Small Apples - one for each festival player
bullet point 4 - 5 inch Plastic Funnels with tabs to connect string - one for each barrel.
     (See our top linked items above on Amazon #EarnsCommisions)
bullet point Medium length Sticks (24 - 48 inches maximum) or Bamboo and lightweight string or twine to make the "fishing rods"
bullet point Washing station with fresh water to rinse off the apple before eating.
bullet point Optional - Have a "caramel apple" table with plates, 1 - 3 apple cutters, and apple toppings such as melted caramel and or chocolate, sprinkles and more. (see details below)
bullet point Ticket Box and Game Sign

Game Setup:

Before your Fall Festival, attach funnels to the ends of the sticks using string.

NOTE: Avoid making the sticks too long or the string too long. If planning for adults - sticks should be 3 - 4 foot in length maximum.
For children keep the sticks 24 - 36 inches maximum.

Also, keep the string shorter rather than longer. Remember, fall festival players will be standing directly over the barrels or buckets - not fishing in a lake!

How to Play the Fishing for Apples Game:

This game is played just as you would imagine.

Players are given a "fishing rod" with a medium - large sized funnel on the end to fish for a small apple.

This is quite challenging for adults and especially for kids!

Players are allowed to play the game until they "catch" an apple.

Everyone wins at this game - this is why it is best to have a few barrels as it may take 5 -15 minutes to make the catch!

Have a simple washing station with fresh water for apples if folks want to eat their apple after catching it!

Additional Hints & Tips:

To add one more layer of fun to this game you may wish to have a "top prize" such as a gift card to a local shop for $25 - $50.

Have each player start their stopwatch on their phones (or have a volunteer get folks ready and say ready, set, fish and time all the players).

The winner is the person who catches the apple in the least amount of time.

Of course, you will need a clipboard with paper to keep names and phone numbers to announce the winner at the end of your festival.

Caramel Apple Table Idea: (Optional)

First, please follow safe food serving requirements in your local area. (Contact the legal entity in your area and make you follow the local codes)

Also, be sure to have a washing station for the apples with fresh water as the first step.

Set up a table with a tablecloth, plates, a few apples cutters and toppings such as melted caramel and chocolate (in heating plates or small crock pots) and a fun assortment of toppings so folks can cut their apples using the slicer and add a few goodies to their plates to make this festival game a yummy treat they can eat on the spot!  

 SUPPLIES & PRIZES for the Your Harvest Fall Festival!