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Nose Pick


Unique, DIY Carnival Game Idea – Nose Pick

Supplies for Carnival Game – Nose Pick:
Handmade DIY Nose Pick Carnival Game. 
Homemade Green Slime (or purchased slime -- see below)
2 Small/Medium Plastic Buckets (one for the slime, one for your carnival prizes)
A variety of carnival prizes all about the same value. We suggest sticky small toys like sticky hands, glitter putty and anything gooey.

How to Play Carnival Game Nose Pick:
Before the carnival, have the green slime ready in the medium sized pail. All carnival players are asked to first stick their hand in the left nostril (when they stick their hand in, they are really sticking their hand into the green slime bucket the volunteer is holding up for them to feel)

Kids think this is great! Lots of eyewwws, and grosses are heard!!

Next, children stick their hand into the right nostril and pull out a prize.(The volunteer is holding up the pail with the carnival prizes for the child to choose from).

Note: This Homemade DIY Carnival Game is a favorite of kids and is sure to make Mom and Dad smile and say “yuck” all at the same time!

To make the carnival game you need plywood on a stand. The “3-D Nose” is made using paper mache. Two holes are drilled through the plywood -- one in each nostril. 

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Yucky Carnival Prizes Suggestions for the Nose Pick Game 

slime-colored-candy-gum-bal.jpg carnival-prize-sticky-putty.jpg sticky-lizard-on-a-string.jpg sticky-painted-small-frogs.jpg  plastic-nose-pencil-sharpen.jpg
Slime Colored Gumballs Mini Glitter Putty Sticky Lizard on a String Sticky Painted Frogs  Nose Shaped Pencil Sharpener