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Frosty Snowball Toss


Winter Carnival Game Idea - DIY Frosty Snowball Toss

Supplies for Kids Winter Game - Frosty Snowball Toss:
18 or more 16 ounce Mason Jars 
9 or more sheets of felt - white color
6+ Assorted Color sheets of Felt (for scarves) 
60+ Black Buttons
12 (or more) Bright White Lights
Hot Glue Gun and glue sticks
Table Tennis Balls 
Table with decorations 
Stand Behind Lines (tape, cones or chalk on the sidewalk)
Consolation Prizes (Winter Themed Prizes are Fun) and Top Prizes for the winners

How to Play:

Days before your Winter Carnival, make your mason jars into snowmen using the felt pieces attaching with with hot glue to make them look like the picture above.

Set up your table with the edge of the Snowmen placed 1 - 2 inches apart.

This game idea is similar to the traditional Fish Bowl Canrival Game with a few winter changes :)

Instead of fish bowls, you are using Mason Jars, designed to look like Snowmen. And, instead of filling with water, and adding fish to the winning bowls, you can leave them empty and add bright white lights into some of the snowmen!

So carnival players are given 5 ping pong type balls for a chance to land one of the balls into a lighted snowman.

How Players Win a Prize: 

No Balls into Snowman with Light = Consolation Prize
Ball into Snowman with Light =  Top Prize

Note: This game looks easy - but is not so easy! Test it out before your big event. You are shooting for top winners to be about 1 in 12 players. So, if your game is too hard, give the players a few more balls to toss or move the mason jars a little closer!

Winter Prizes and Supplies Have Kids Stading in Line for This Fun Game!

 table-tennis-balls-sm.jpg  snowflake-candy-packets-small.jpg  snowflake-punch-ball-toy-sm.jpg  mini-bright-led-under-water-lights-sm.jpg
"Snowballs" for Tossing
Snowflake Candy
Snowflake Punchball Toy
Bright LED White Lights


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minipop2.jpgCarnival Savers Tip:

Of course, like all games, you can choose to make changes to this winter game to suit your needs. For example, if your Winter Carnival is outside on a bright day, the lights may not show up very well, so you can tell the carnivall players that getting a ball into any snowman wins a top prize. Or, you can have a particular color scarf as the top winning snowmen. 

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